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Types Of Moth Species

There are many different types of moth species which can be found in the UK most of which are not pests, but there are some which can cause damage to clothing and foodstuffs, and and also harm to people. Below are the moths species which are considered a pest and worth speaking to a moth expert should you encounter them.

Common Clothes Moth

The common clothes moth, also known as Tineola Bisselliella, are a considered as a serious pest. Their larvae can cause untold damage to your possessions such as clothes.

Facts about clothes moth
  • They are between 6 – 8mm in body length.
  • Their wingspan is approximately 10-16mm.
  • Straw like in colour with no obvious markings
  • Larvae is around 10mm in length and a white in colour with a brown head.
  • Larvae can remain in this state between 2-30 months before cocooning.
  • Average lifespan of an adult is 30-45 days
Common clothes moth

Case Bearing Clothes Moth

Case bearing clothes moth, are also known as Tinea Pellionella, cause damage not just to clothes, but carpets too.
Facts about Case bearing clothes moth
  • Silvery grey-brown in colour with dark spots.
  • Larvae makes a case for itself out of wool and fibres from cloths and carpets.
  • Larval stage lasts for around 3 months.
  • They are small in size with a wingspan of around 9-16mm.
  • You can find them both indoors and outdoor buildings.
case bearing clothes moth

White Shouldered House Moth

White shouldered house moth is also known as Endrosis Sarcitrella. They can be found across the world and thrive on human environments due to available food sources.
Facts about White Shouldered House Moth
  • Relatively easy to identify due to its bright white shoulders.
  • Brown creamy coloured wings with dark markings
  • 6-10mm in length with a wingspan of 15-21mm.
  • Larvae is cream in colour with a red-brown head.
White shouldered house moth

Indian Meal Moth

The Indian meal moth is known as Plodia Interpunctella. The moth got its name by after the fact it feeds on Indian meal or cornmeal, not because it lives in India.

Facts about Indian Meal moth
  • Adults are around 8-10mm in length.
  • 16-20mm wingspan.
  • They are red-brown in colour
  • Eggs are white, oval in shape, very small, and off white in colour with brown heads.
Indian meal moth

Brown Tail Moth

The brown tail moth (Euproctis Chrysorrhoea) is part of the Erebidae moth family. It’s native to Europe, Africa and Asia. The hairs of the caterpillars of this type of moth are toxic to humans and can cause a severe allergic reaction.
Facts about Brown Tail Moth
  • Its wings are pure white
  • The tail is covered in brown hairs.
  • Wingspan can reach 36-42mm.
  • Each female can lay 200 to 400 eggs.
  • Larvae is very hairy, brown and white in colour, with red spots at the tail end.
Brown tail moth

Oak Processionary Moth

Oak Processionary Moths (Thaumetopoea processionea) catepillars are found in oak forest. They feed off the leaves and cause considerable damage. Their hairs can cause severe allergic reactions such as skin irritations and asthma.
Facts about Oak Processionary Moth
  • Adults are brown in colour.
  • Wingspan reaches between 25-35mm.
  • Caterpillars are dark and covered in white hairs.
  • They move around in nose to tail procession.
Oak processionary moth caterpillars

You should also act at the first signs of moths as infestations can very quickly get out of control and significant damage can be caused to your property and belongings.

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