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Types Of Rats Found In The UK

Rats are more than just annoying invaders in our homes and businesses; they are highly adaptable creatures that have managed to colonise almost every part of the world. In the UK, two main species of rats are of particular concern: the Brown Rat and the Black Rat. Let’s look deeper into each type of rat species, distinguishing features, and behaviours.

The Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

The Brown Rat, also known as the common rat, is a native of Central Asia but was introduced to the British Isles around 1720. Since then, it has spread throughout the country and can be found virtually anywhere — all it needs is shelter and food.

Brown rats are incredibly adaptable and can thrive in various habitats. They are predominantly brown or grey, with a body length of up to 28 cm, not including the tail. This species prefers to burrow, which often leads them to build their nests in the ground or within the walls of buildings.

One characteristic feature of the Brown Rat is its blunt nose, small ears, and shorter tail than its body. It is an omnivorous creature, feeding on anything from fruit and seeds to human food waste and even small birds.

Facts About The Brown Rat

  • Lifespan: Brown rats typically live in the wild for 1-2 years.
  • Habitat: They prefer to live in urban areas but can also be found in rural environments. These are the rats commonly found in sewers.
  • Reproduction: Female Brown rats can reproduce at an alarming rate, with the capability to produce up to five litters a year, each containing 6-13 offspring.
  • Diet: Brown rats eat up to 10% of their body weight daily.
  • Speed: They are agile creatures, able to run at speeds of up to 8 km/h.
  • Swimming: Brown rats are excellent swimmers on the surface and underwater.
  • Night-time Activity: They are primarily nocturnal creatures, most active at night.
  • Disease: Brown rats are known carriers of numerous diseases, including Leptospirosis or Weil’s disease, Salmonella, Listeria, Toxoplasma gondii, and Hantavirus.
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The Black Rat (Rattus rattus)

While not as widely spread as the Brown Rat, the Black Rat is another species in the UK. It is less common and tends to favour warmer coastal areas.

Black Rats, sometimes called ‘ship rats’ or ‘roof rats’, are smaller than Brown Rats, with a body length of around 16-24 cm, excluding the tail. They are usually black or dark brown and have a more slender build than the Brown Rat. Notable features of the Black Rat include a pointed nose, large ears, and a tail longer than its body.

Unlike the burrowing Brown Rat, Black Rats are excellent climbers and often nest in high places, such as attics or upper floors of buildings, meaning they can access properties at will. They are omnivorous but prefer plant-based foods like fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains.

Facts About The Black Rat

  • Lifespan: Black Rats typically have a 12-16-month lifespan in the wild.
  • Reproduction: Much like the Brown Rat, the Black Rat reproduces rapidly. A female can produce 3-6 litters annually, each containing 6-11 offspring.
  • Diet: Black Rats primarily feast on plant-based foods, consuming fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains. However, they will eat insects and other small creatures if necessary.
  • Climbing: Known for their agility, Black Rats are excellent climbers. They can quickly scale vertical walls and run along ropes or wire cables.
  • Night-time Activity: Black Rats are also primarily nocturnal, with their activity levels peaking at dawn and dusk.
  • Disease: Black Rats can carry several diseases, such as typhus, trichinosis, and bubonic plague. They were the primary vectors of the plague during the Middle Ages.
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While both these rat species can pose problems due to their destructive habits and potential to spread diseases, understanding their characteristics and behaviours can aid in effective rat control strategies.

In conclusion, the UK has two primary types of rat — the Brown and Black Rat. Both have distinctive features and behaviours that set them apart. By knowing more about these creatures, we can better protect our homes, businesses, and health from unwelcome guests.

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